Domo chooses two high-productivity and energy-saving presses

MecTiles Italia wants to reaffirm its leadership in technological innovation also in the cookware sector, and it does so through a collaboration with Domo, an Italian company leader in the production of pans and related items, which chose the new MTI428RXSuperfast press, featuring the XPERFORMANCE Inside technology, the latest product of the Xtechnology Department.

Thanks to this operation, MecTiles will strengthen its partnership with the cold-pressing sector, while Domo, by relying on MecTiles, will secure its place among Italy’s leading manufacturers in the cookware sector.

The two “sister presses”, namely the XSUPERFAST series and the newly-created XPERFORMANCE series, are among the fastest in their category and guarantee a 50% increase in production compared to competitors’ machines.

The new technologies designed by MecTiles Italia, besides ensuring a greater production capacity, are also able to sensibly reduce energy consumption, thus exponentially optimising the cost-benefit ratio.

This technology, which can be used to manufacture rings for traditional cooking on gas-fired hobs, also allows for producing high-quality induction cooking pots, which are increasingly in demand.

MecTiles Italia, the freedom to innovate.

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