President Compagni: “Tecna 2022 was a success beyond all expectations. Our innovative rotting line is also very popular with foreign customers”

The presence of Mectiles Italia at Tecna 2022, the international marketplace on technological innovations for the world of surfaces, which took place at the Rimini Expo Center from 27 to 30 September, undoubtedly represented a notable success for the Reggio-based company in terms of contacts, attendance and innovative proposals to the market.

(Video, editing and interview made by Lorenzo Chierici – MecTiles Italia press office)

Stefano Compagni, president of Mectiles Italia, declared himself enthusiastic about these four days which allowed the Casalgrande-based company to meet again, finally in person, many historic customers from the most varied areas of the globe, from East to West, from north to south of the world and to offer them the varied range of Mectiles Italia novelties, from presses for the production of saucepans for traditional or induction fires, to production lines for beverages, to then arrive at the flagship Mectiles Italia brand, represented at the fair with some machines: the innovative line of mats for large slabs, completely ecological, which is already giving excellent results in three Italian companies and which is arousing strong interest in many foreign customers.

Tecna 2022

“For our company, Tecna 2022 was really a very important fair. It gave us an almost unexpected success – explains the president Compagni at the Expo Center in Rimini – After four years of absence, this important international event on technological innovations has finally returned for the world of surfaces, which we were anxiously awaiting and Mectiles Italia was present and protagonist within it with all its staff and with myself representing the property. We were waiting for this very important event which gave us the opportunity to meet many of our friends-customers who, from all over the world, decided to join us here in Rimini on the occasion of Tecna 2022. The success of all this is due to the passion of each of us , but above all to the desire and willpower to want to grow as a company on an ongoing basis. In fact, in addition to second-hand, which remains our core business, Mectiles Italia has also developed many new products in recent years, proposing truly interesting lines, which are already gaining great acclaim on the market”.

Tecna 2022

Why did you say earlier that this success was almost unexpected? The successes of Mectiles Italia and the growth of the company are there for all to see…

“It’s true, but such a success through this fair was almost unexpected: in fact, we thought it was important to be present, but since this event hasn’t been held for four years, we didn’t think so many of our customers would come from all over the world. Many people we haven’t seen for a long time and who we were really happy to meet here at Tecna 2022, came. Some from the Far-East, others from North Africa and the Middle East, as well as many historical customers we have in Europe: it was a fair full of very welcomed surprises, and pleasant and fruitful meetings”.

Tecna 2022

And Mectiles Italia, precisely starting from this consolidated success, in recent years has launched itself into the discovery of new market segments in which it is already reaping important successes…

“It is absolutely true! We have decided to invest in the design of new products relating to large slabs, which are increasingly in demand on the market, starting with a cutting-edge rotting line, which we have presented and which is already working, with excellent results, in three important Italian plants. It is an already consolidated line in which foreign customers are very interested: we are talking about a completely ecological product, which among other things reduces production costs; moreover, large slabs need this application to ensure greater safety of the finished product. In the four days of Tecna 2022 we also proposed other products that are doing very well on the market, in which we will continue to invest to broaden the horizons of our company more and more”.

Tecna 2022
Tecna 2022

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